How to Repair a Gas Station Pump

Fuel retailers know the importance of gas station pumps: a malfunctioning pump will send disgruntled customers away. And where will they go? Down the street, to the competition.

Those are two things no fuel retailer wants to happen.

The first thing fuel retailers want on their gas stations is a well-functioning pump, as soon as it is delivered. However, these things are often susceptible to damage, and you might need to repair them one day.

When the day comes, here’s what you can do.

Identifying the Damage

How are you ever going to solve the problem if you don’t know what the problem is?

Remember, a gas station pump isn’t just one homologous item of equipment. It’s made up of several parts: and you have to identify which one’s malfunctioned.

The Parts

When a customer drives up to your pump, they just see a machine where they swipe their cards and fill their vehicles up, once they have selected the fuel of their choosing.

A gas pump is a bit more complicated.

The actual gas tank is located underground. Suction or submersible pumps help bring the gas aboveground. The flow of gas is checked by a check valve—it’s these valves that are responsible for pumping out just the amount of gas that a customer paid for.

Then, there’s the flow meter, that checks how much gas the customer has received, and charges them accordingly.

Hidden automatic shut-off systems ensure there isn’t an overflow of gas.

Sometimes, it’s easy—such as when the computer’s not working.

Other times, it’s difficult: such as the lack of gas flow despite everything appearing to be in apple pie order. That’s when you might need to get in touch with a professional.

Resolving the Issue

Certain things are easy to repair or get repaired: such as the nozzle or the hose. All you need to do is take one out and fix another one in.

However, certain repairs are best left to the experts. Computers and pumps, for instance, are things you don’t want to mess with. Should something go wrong with them, the first thing you should do is get on your phone and call an expert. You might do more damage than good if you attempt to resolve the issue yourself.

Can’t Repair the Gas Pump?

It’s okay. It might be that your pump is beyond repair. You can get a replacement pump delivered from the John W. Kennedy Company as soon as you get in touch with them.

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