5 Safety Tips For Above Ground Fuel Storage Tanks


Worried about the safety of your gas station?

That’s understandable! Storing flammable materials presents several risks—whether it’s in the form of fires, explosions, or other types of accidents.

The risk is especially amplified when it comes to above-ground fuel storage tanks, due to their exposure to the external environment.

In the last 40 years, 242 tank accidents have taken place in industrial facilities, most of which could have been avoided by using a safety management program.

Here are five useful tips for keeping above-ground fuel storage tanks safe from accidents:

Buy a high-quality, compatible storage tank

It’s critical that you invest in a high-quality above-ground fuel storage tank to maximize safety.

Choosing the right tank requires careful evaluation of build-quality, compatibility, and design. You must also pick a material that’s compatible with the fuel type you plan to store.

Moreover, you also want to make sure that the fuel stored in the tank is at the correct temperature and pressure to prevent the risk of a fire or explosion.


A durable and strong support structure

The safety of your above-ground fuel storage tank is highly dependent on the support structure of the tank.

It’s highly important that the support structure has a solid foundation that is sturdy and tough.

If you believe that the support structure isn’t strong enough to support the weight inside the tank, you may consider additional bracing to the leg’s stand.

Regular maintenance is the key! 

It’s necessary to ensure regular maintenance of your above-ground fuel storage tank to ensure that no unfortunate accident takes place at your pump.

Doing so will help you identify issues at an early stage, which will keep your fuel pump safe and secure.

For instance, if you spot drips or leaks near your tank, it means a part is faulty and needs repair or replacement.

This timely action will prevent a full blown leak, which can lead to a tragic accident.


Steer clear of ignition sources

Storing flammable and combustible liquids—such as fuel—presents a big risk of detonation and explosion. When it comes to protecting them from external hazards, there’s no room for error.

It’s critical to set up your fuel storage tank at a distance from combustible sources, including electrical appliances, running engines, and naked flames.

Moreover, it’s a good practice to put warning signs in bold colors with words like “DANGER” or “FLAMMABLE MATERIAL”in large font.

Snow can also pose a fire hazard!

Fire and combustible sources aren’t the only elements that you need to steer clear of. Even snow (read: heavy snowfall) can compromise the safety of your fuel storage tank.

The above storage tanks are built according to stringent standards that take snow and ice accumulation into account, so its structure integrity is never compromised.

However, the buildup of snow can present visibility problems, which increases the chances of fire hazards near the tank, while also makingit difficult to perform maintenance tasks.

It’s a good idea to place above storage tank under a shelter or enclosure with a roof. Also, carrying out regular maintenance will help to keep the tank clean from ice and snow, which will ensure the safety of your above-ground fuel storage tank.

John W. Kennedy Company is a trusted gas station equipment and essentials supplier. Since 1930, we’ve been serving gas stations and convenience stores all across the United States. Visit our online store to find out more about our products and services.

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